ICT 2050 : Fully Immersive Virtual Reality

Thinking about far future always make me feel excited and curious of what’s waiting for us out there. With the current time of our world today, there are changes going on rapidly in every aspect, whether it’s about politic, social, health, economic and etc. All of these will serve as a major factor in creating a huge impact on future technology. By the year of 2050, how everything’s going to be like, in term of technology? Perhaps there’s already a self-driving car for everyone , nanobots that easily cure any diseases, fully functional AI replacing human labors, a brand new communication device and perhaps some fantastic innovation that will blow off everyone’s mind we never thought of in this present day.

There are surely a bunches of exciting ideas for far future technology, but in this blog, I want to present everyone about possibility of “Fully Immersive Virtual Reality”.

Before we go furthermore, let’s get to know first what exactly is the term “Virtual Reality”. Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment It put the user into an experience and able to interact with 3D worlds. So Technically “VR” is a computer generated world which can be a game or a walkthrough of a place or a video that plays around you which trick your brain to replaces your reality with what VR is projecting the image to you.

On the other hand, Immersive virtual reality is the theoretical holy grail of future technologies. A fully immersive VR world would be able to capture every single sense and interact directly with the brain and nervous system. In some sense it could even be a replacement for consensus reality. We can say that an ideal picture of fully virtual world is to be able to reproduce all of our senses and more fantastical feelings, thoughts and more in a completely artificial environment. The possibilities for experience are endless.

This whole idea of fully virtual reality world sounds amazing isn’t it? or if you still don’t really get it then, I can give show you some examples:

Rush hours!!

What you have just seen are some scenes from a movie named “Ready Player One”, where in the story, people get to role play as a one own character in the expansive virtual reality world. From these two scenes, users are equip with special headset which allows them to see and experience real time virtual reality while also holding a device (or WII like controller?) serving as a weapon in that world. They also wear special gloves to interact with virtual screens and “feel” virtual objects. Anyone with some extra cash can get their hands on body suits capable of relaying additional sensory feedback, ranging from punches to at times more pleasant sensations. Basing the concept on the concept of the film, it helps us to see how fully virtual reality world can possibly be created into: as realistically as the real world or something straight out of fantasy video game world which at that point is up to the creator of that virtual world.

But wait, is it actually possible to create a fully immersive VR world like in the movie (or somewhat similar to that)

From the research I’ve gone through, based on the opinion of VR experts, we’re not even close—but none completely deny the idea that it could exist, at some point down the line, and many were sure it would, especially now that certain tech moguls have taken up the cause. There are a lots of major challenges to face for this creation to becomes real. To name a few, making a unique sensible textures as every object has a different temperature, granularity, and consistency or vibrations and electric impulses. Similarly to texture, taste and smelling seems to be quite difficult to implement it into virtual world.

Obviously, we have no way to make the VR world into a real thing yet. But personally, I believe that it’s possible to be implemented by the year of 2050. Maybe scientists will eventually develop technology on the field first like AI and use it along with creating virtual world or even nanobot may play an important parts in this too. No one knows what’s there waiting for us in the many coming years to come. It’s still pretty long way to go but well, hopefully I can get to experience it once in my life if it ever come out!

I hope I won’t end up like this poor guy though
( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°)